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关于减肥的英语作文 About Weight-losing

来源: 经典语句网栏目: 大学英语作文

In recent years,losing weight has become a hot topic in our life, especially in women’s community.However, losing weight has aroused people’s attention as many problems has appeared.


There are manyways in losing weight. Some people lose their weight by persisting in doingexercise regularly. Some people take medicine to cut their weight. Furthermore,some turn to operation for help, especially the young. Therefore, all kinds ofproduct have been sold in the market, such as special medicine, tea andequipment.


It’s understandablefor human to pay much attention to their good-look. However, many side effectshave come into being when some people are losing weight. For example, somepeople have lost their weight by taking medicine, but at the same time, theirdigestion systems have been injured. Thus, we should pay more attention to ourphysical coordination when we choose the way to cut our weight.



In my opinion,doing exercise is the best way to lose weight. On the one hand, we can trainour bodies by taking exercise and become healthier. On the other hand, our mindwill be clearer if we do exercise often.



